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Writer's pictureAaron Silcoff

Life Goal: For One Day In My Life, I Want To Be The Biggest Sports Media Personality In Canada

Ever since I was five years old, sports have been my passion. For a long time, they were what I thought about when I woke up in the morning, and what I thought about when I went to bed. Luckily, I can happily say that I have found other interests outside of sports, but being involved in or covering sports is always something I will want to be a part of as they are true passion.

I am also very driven when I am pursuing a goal wholeheartedly invested in something, which leads to this. Over the last few weeks, I have done some real soul-searching, started to have epiphanies, and asked myself questions such as "What does me living up to my true potential look like?". And to be blunt, how can I stand out and pursue something that I think I have a pretty good niche for?

So many people go through life unsure of what they want to do or don't know what they are passionate about, which leads to them constantly searching for their purpose. Fortunately for me, I have figured out at a fairly young age what my dream would be. I want to not only be fully invested in succeeding in this space, but by leading, or some may say conquering the world of sports media.

When I first started this blog, it was supposed to be a hobby, I just wanted something to do in my spare and have a place where I could talk sports. But then, the hobby turned into, me researching if I could ever make a couple of bucks off this thing. And to be frank, I have not made a single cent from these articles, but that's beside the point.

Then after researching this as a potential side hustle, I started looking up what if I did want to do this full-time. When I graduated high school, I always thoughted I wanted to be a sports journalist, but after a while, the passion went away.

But looking back, I don't think it was the passion that ever went away, it was that I hated the journey I had to take to get there is what I despised. For example, while I was enrolled in a general arts program in my first of college before switching to Sports Management, I had to take a geography course.

Call me crazy, but I don't think that helped me become a better sports writer. Once I gave myself this platform and started to enjoy it, I figured, maybe I should pursue something in this space.

As someone who believes deeply in manifesting my destiny, I’m fully aware that I have plenty of work ahead of me, and I have no idea at this moment what it is in media that will gain me traction. Whether it’s improving as a writer, trying out podcasting, learning more about content creation, or simply growing as an individual and making connections in this space.

I don't know what the journey will look like, but this lofty, or some may even say unrealistic goal of mine is something I’m prepared to pursue for a very, very long time.

Because at the end of the day, I believe it is what I was meant to do.

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